Advanced Course

The Peregrines Survivor Course is for the serious adventurer and explorer who wants knowledge of the various facets of survival and self-reliance and probably wants to make a career out of being an adventurer or at least become a more confident camper. It is a rigorous and intense Course, physically and psychologically. This Course tests the limits of your knowledge and you have to undergo some water, food and sleep deprivation in order to cope with the simulated survival scenario.

Throughout the duration participants live in a simulated survival scenario, make their own shelter, collect water, navigate their way out, signal for help, etc. Participants are allowed minimal gear and have to use wits to adapt, innovate and improvise in order to be able to overcome the challenges. Usually participants get just one frugal meal a day, and that too is not guaranteed since hunger is an essential obstacle to deal with in a survival situation.

How does the Course run?

  • Arrive at Camp by 8am on the first day of the Course
  • Bring all listed equipment
  • Get safety instructions
  • 'Classroom' sessions recapping the basics of survival and self-reliance
  • Practical demonstration of skills
  • Regular assignments - theoretical or practical or both

Modules of the Course

The Peregrines Advanced Survivor Course is an intense one and not for the faint-hearted. It is as close to a survival scenario as can be simulated and participants go through pretty much all the rigours as can be staged. There is food and water deprivation and the tasks and assignments are near real-life. During the first few days the basics are covered to refresh memory and the next days are spent in practical application of the knowledge under the supervision of the Instructors.

As part of the Course, participants have to display their knowledge and practical application of skills. These include shelter construction, fire making, water sourcing and disinfection, managing core body temperature, navigation and signalling skills, etc. Simulated injuries are also part of the tasks and assignments. Knowledge of knots is an integral part of the Course, as is construction of improvised weapons and tools.

What should participants bring?

The following is a list of the items that have to be brought by each participant. These are all items that will be required during the Course.

Shelter 1 unit Mylar blanket or Thermal blanket Buy on Amazon
1 unit Bivy tent or Hammock Buy on Amazon
1 unit Tarp sheet (at least 10'x10' with 16 grommets) Buy on Amazon
Fire 1 unit Small magnifying glass Buy on Amazon
1 unit Ferrocerium rod or MagBar Buy on Amazon
Buy on Amazon
2 units Disposable cigarette lighters
Food 1 unit Mess tin (optional in case canteen has no nesting cup) Buy on Amazon
1 unit Metal cup ( not necessary if canteen has a nesting cup) Buy on Amazon
1 unit Cutlery tool (if you do not want to get your fingers dirty when eating) Buy on Amazon
Water 1 unit Metal canteen (with nesting cup preferably) Buy on Amazon
1 unit Filtration equipment (LifeStraw or Mini Sawyer or equivalent) Buy on Amazon
Buy on Amazon
Signalling 1 unit Signalling mirror Buy on Amazon
1 unit Whistle (preferably multipurpose) Buy on Amazon
1 unit Headlamp Buy on Amazon
1 unit Flashlight Buy on Amazon
Navigation 1 unit Compass (Sighting or Lensatic) Buy on Amazon
Tools 1 unit Knife (8"+ blade, full tang)
1 unit Folding Saw or Commando Saw Buy on Amazon
1 unit Swiss Army Knife (optional, but good to have)
6 units Heavy duty drum liners
50 feet Paracord Buy on Amazon
Personal items 1 unit Bandana or Shemagh Buy on Amazon
2 units Half sleeve T-shirt
2 units Full sleeve T-shirt (optional in summers)
1 unit Warm jacket (not required in summers)
1 unit Cap / Hat
1 unit Poncho Buy on Amazon
1 unit Camp towel
1 unit Cargo trousers
1 pair Boots with ankle support
1 pair Slippers or floaters
2 pairs Socks
1 pair Sun shades
1 tube Sun block (SPF 15)
1 bottle Hand sanitiser
1 roll Toilet paper
Personal medication
Notepad and pen

In case you want us to arrange for the items let us know at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the Course and we will organise them for you. You can either buy the items or rent them for the duration of the Course.

Number of participants required to run a Course

There is a requirement of a minimum of one and a maximum of ten participants to run the Peregrines Advanced Survivor Course. Since the Course does not run on fixed dates, it is advised that a group of like-minded people form the quorum so that the Course can be run. In case there are other interested people, without adequate numbers, two or more such groups may be combined for a Course.

If you wish to participate in the Advanced Course, fill out the form below and let us know.

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    Your Email (required)

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