OTA Survival School is a project of Whispering Wishes Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation registered under Section 25 of the Companies Act. Our purpose is to chase the mission of preparing, training and equipping the common citizen in knowledge and skills that will help him or her when faced with a natural disaster or a calamity. Or indeed when s/he gets into a survival situation during an adventure holiday.
This mission can only be successful with the active support of organisations and individuals who raise their hands and lend a helping hand by ensuring that more and more people can get trained. For instance, training a 20-member CDSF team in a remote Himalayan village costs approximately Rs 60,000 (approximately US$ 900). Training students in a School through a 2-day workshop costs Rs 50,000 (approximately US$ 750). This effort has to be crowd funded and will only be possible through the goodness of the heart of people around the country and from around the world.
If we can inculcate the sense of accountability and self-preservation among individual people, they will believe that they can be responsible for themselves and their loved ones, instead of abdicating the responsibility to the Government authorities in times of calamity.
There are expeditions we undertake to showcase and demonstrate survival skills in different simulated scenarios, across different terrain and geographies.
All these cost money and the purpose cannot be met without your support. Do join hands with us and help in making India and Indians a more capable and knowledgeable citizenry.
Donate generously ... NOW.