What about controlling the risks?

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You will get a survival experience and the attempt is to minimise your exposure to unwanted risks or injuries. It is impossible to negate the risks entirely in a wilderness scenario, however simulated. Bodily discomfort is a part of the … Continued


What about health and safety issues?

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The Courses are out in the field, in terrain that is unforgiving. Your level of fitness, ability to listen to and follow instructions, your mental attitude to your situation during the camp, your ability to adapt, all correlate to provide … Continued


How tough are these Courses?

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Neither you and nor we can predict how you will react faced with a stressful situation. As long as you come in with an open mind, ready to challenge yourself, we can work together and complete a successful Course. Your … Continued


What about gender?

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The wilderness is entirely blind to gender. It does not distinguish between males and females. And neither do we. Consequently, all our Courses are mixed-gender courses. This provides an opportunity to members of both sexes to go beyond physical differences … Continued


Who can attend the Courses?

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You need to be 18 years old (younger people need to get their parents or guardians to sign an Indemnity Form), in reasonably fit physical shape, and most importantly, with the right attitude. The terrain and the weather can and … Continued


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